Friday, July 6, 2012

July Sponsor Reminder Letter

Hey Sponsors!
Here we are, on the 6th of the month and its time for me to knock on your door for a friendly reminder to write to your sponsor childClick here to take 5 minutes and fill your little kiddo in on what summer is like in the States. Tell them what you have been up to for fun. And if you’ve been reading in your Bible… tell them what you’ve been reading.

One thing that has come to our hearts this past month is the desire to have a night dedicated to PRAYER for the children at the Good Samaritan School. So, we’ve decided to organize an evening of prayer on Tuesday July 24th. If you live in the Austin area, you are invited to come over at 7:30pm (until whenever you are done) and pray with us as one big sponsor group. We hope to make different stations and arrange our house in a sort of prayer walk. As you move from station to station, we will provide prompts for different topics of prayer. Everything from the kids & their education, the kids & their families, the school staff, the issues of India, and more.

If you are not in Austin, we will be preparing a little prayer guide that I can send out so you can join us.

Whether you are here in person on the 24th praying or whether you are sitting at home on your couch, we ask you to set aside the evening of July 24th so that we will act as one big concert of intercessors to the Lord. From wherever we are… for the children. So, mark your calendar now and let’s get our prayer on! If you plan to attend the night of prayer AT our house in Austin… please let me know if we can expect you in person.

On a separate note... we have 3 sponsors traveling to India July 21-29 to visit their kiddos. Please pray for their trip. I know from first hand experience that these visits are so impactful... for the kids AND the sponsors. We hope you consider joining us on a team in 2013!

Together for the kids,
Anna Melvin
for the Unlikely Sons & Daughters