Who Are We?

Who are the Unlikely Sons & Daughters?

Andy & the band’s official name is “Andy Melvin & the Unlikely Sons”. After the band’s first trip to India in Feb 2011, they returned with a passion to get involved with the Good Samaritan School. They wanted to find ways to impact the slum communities of India through encouraging an education for next generation.

When the idea was born in our tiny little faith community, we decided to call our misfit group The Unlikely Sons & Daughters (since we were a co-ed group). But as the name sunk in, we realized how appropriate it was for every person involved.

As a faith community, we recognize that we are individually unworthy of the grace God gives us, because we are messed up crazy sinners, making us Unlikely candidates for God’s love & mercy.

As a group of sponsors, it seems we were a growing & Unlikely group of people joined together by a common heart and willingness to take action in the poverty we learn about in the world.

And the group of children whom we sponsor are just as Unlikely recipients of God’s favor as any one of us. Who knows why God chooses to connect these particular children with a hodge-podge collection of Americans so that they can have a chance to re-write their family’s future through education.

It is all a very Unlikely story, with Unlikely characters. And we are thrilled to be a part of it!