Good Samaritan School

What is the Good Samaritan School?

The Good Samaritan School is the facility that educates the children that we sponsor. The school has almost 2000 children (with room to grow) and focuses its education on the children of slum communities in & around New Delihi, India.

The school’s humble beginnings, and inaugurating vision are wonderfully captured in this short video of the school’s founder, Dr. Ananthi Jebasingh (respectfully called “Aunty” in India):

Anathi's Story from Children's HopeChest on Vimeo.

(filmed in 2011)

The school grew from Aunty’s garage to the slum’s toilet complex and finally to the impressive million dollar facility. The main school, which houses K-12th grade students is in the Jasola community. But the school still maintains 3 other smaller “feeder” schools for K-5th grade students in some of the other slum communities nearby. This is so that the younger children do not have to travel as far for school each day. But once they reach 6th grade these students can merge with the other students into the larger Jasola facility.

Currently, our Unlikely Sons & Daughters group has sponsor children from the Madanpur Kadhar feeder facility and the Jasola main facility.