Thursday, November 8, 2012

Little Artists

Every time I see a letter from one of the sponsor kids (either in my mail or in a picture another sponsors sends me-- excited at receiving their mail), I get to see the beautiful artistry that the children express. Every single letter I have seen has a drawing on it. On the back side, in the corner, wherever they can squeeze it in. My last letter from my sponsor child, he drew me a computer and labeled all the parts! My daughter's sponsor child always draws the most amazing flowers. Another child sent his sponsor a letter complete with a drawing of Ghandi!

When we visited the school last February, that is something we noticed straight away. These children love to draw. Every time we walked into a classroom, they children would bust out their notebooks and start showing us all their creations. "look here, mam!" "mam! please enjoy!" They were proud of their art. And the well should be. Culturally, the arts and visual artistry is something every person seems to appreciate. Man, woman, child... none are afraid to put pen to paper and create something. And its always beautiful.
This is a page from one of our sponsor children's school notebook.
He drew some ladies at the spice market and a woman cooking by the fire. He was so proud!